Students » Resources


2021-2022 exam schedules
Kaufman ISD currently does not provide GED Courses. 
The TVCC Adult Education Department offers FREE classes to prepare for the GED exam. Friendly, helpful instructors help you learn at your own speed.
Call TVCC Adult Education for more information at 903-675-6398.
Homecoming Week is September 6-10, 2021!
Monday, September 6th - School Holiday, Labor Day
Voting for Queen Nominees & Representatives
August 24th & 25th, 2021
Voting will be conducted by Google Form. It will conclude at 3:45 P.M.  
Tuesday, September 7th
~ School Colors Day
(Freshmen - Gray)
(Sophomores - Gold)
(Juniors - Black)
(Seniors - White)
7:00 PM Community Wide Pep Rally @ KHS Stadium
Voting for Queen
Tuesday, Sept. 7th & Wednesday, Sept. 8th
Voting will be conducted by Google Form. It will conclude at 3:45 P.M.
Friday, September 10th
8:05 AM - Homecoming Pep Rally
5:00 PM - Volleyball vs. Sunnyvale
7:20 PM - First Responders Night Recognitions
7:25 PM - 20th Anniversary, Remembrance of 9/11
7:30 PM - Kickoff vs. Sulphur Springs
Halftime - Homecoming Court
Saturday, September 11th
7:30 PM - Homecoming Dance at Cafeteria
Hosted by: Lionettes

Choose your student's grade level to find directions on how to receive texts regarding events pertaining to them at Kaufman High School

Class of 2025

Class of 2024

Class of 2023

Class of 2022

All parents/legal guardians needing access to Family Access must have a signed waiver on file with Kaufman ISD. For further assistance on completing Family Access Waivers, please contact Vonda Jones through email: [email protected]. Thank you for your patience.
For students first registering in the Kaufman Independent School District, there are a few things you will need:
  1. Shot Record - Please bring a copy so that it can be placed in the students file. If you bring the original, a copy will be made.
  2. Copy of Transcript - This needs to be the most current transcript available. The last grade completed needs to be on it in order to register for the next grade.
  3. Social Security Card - Please bring original, a copy will be made.
  4. Proof of Residency - This can be a paid water bill, or proof that electricity has been turned on. It must be something that will prove that you live in Kaufman. Cable and cell phone bills are not accepted.
  5. Parent or Guardian Identification - This can be a valid driver's license or state identification card. Once you have all of these items, bring them to the school at which you are going to register.
The following courses are AP and potentially have summer assignments. Honors courses will not have summer assignments. Please click on the course name to access the assignment.
*If you have questions, contact the teacher of the course.
Summer assignments will be added as they are made available.
Senior 2022 Events
Tuesday, May 3 - Senior Awards (Scholarships & Ranking Awards)
Friday, May 13 - Awards for grades 9-12
Monday, May 16 - Senior group pic in cap & gown
Monday, May 16 - Baccalaureate @ FBC Kaufman (attendance optional)
Tuesday, May 17 - Senior Trip - TBD (Money due by Friday, April 15, 2022)
Wednesday, May 18 - Graduation practice @ 9 am in Auxiliary Gym
Thursday, May 19 - Graduation practice @ 9 am in Auxiliary Gym
Friday, May 20 - Graduation practice @ 9 am in Auxiliary Gym
Graduation will be Friday, May 20th!
Begins at 8:00 pm, doors open at 7:00 pm
Tickets are not required for admission
Curtis Culwell Center is offering Shout Outs to be played during graduation. Click here for information.
Curtis Culwell Center Clear Bag Policy
Directions to Curtis Culwell Center
Saturday, September 11th
7:30 PM - Homecoming Dance at Cafeteria
Hosted by: Lionettes